
24/06/14 • Journal : CAS

Welcome to Contemporary Art Stavanger

24/06/14 • Journal : CAS

Welcome to Contemporary Art Stavanger

Welcome to Contemporary Art Stavanger - a digital platform for the visual arts in Stavanger, Norway!

Contemporary Art Stavanger (CAS) is an online platform for the dissemination of information and critical discourse on the visual arts in relation to the city of Stavanger. We aim to reveal the rich resources and growing visual arts culture in Stavanger by providing critical content through essays, reviews, interviews, profiles, announcements, and an inclusive calendar of upcoming openings and events. CAS will serve as an informational hub, simultaneously serving the local community while locating and connecting Stavanger to a larger global network.

CAS is at an early stage of development and much more content will be added as the site grows. As well as highlighting both local and international art events related to the city, the website will provide profiles on institutions, residencies and artists connected to the area. To start, we have profiled institutions in Stavanger including Kunsthall Stavanger, Rogaland Kunstsenter, Prosjektrom Normanns and Hå Gamle Prestegard as well as the residencies at Frida Hansens Hus and Lukkeskåra/Rådlausjuvet (L/R for short) in nearby Suldal. We’ve included posts on LA Nights in Los Angeles, a review of the Whitney Biennial, an interview with Margrethe Aanestad & Kristina Rasmussen from Prosjektrom Normanns, a report on the recent Port Authority Show curated by Matias Kiil Halvorsen, and more!

Our calendar provides up-to-date information on openings and we invite all Stavanger-based galleries and artists to submit events. To do so, send us an email at cas.stavanger[at] and we will provide you access to edit the calendar. Our goal is to provide an overview of current art-world happenings related to the city of Stavanger and its creative community.

We hope you will enjoy the website!